He had completely recovered and greeted him with a bright cheerful look.
His cheerful look changed to startlement when he realized that the speaker was not Nuella.
Silvia was tall, had a round face, blue eyes and a cheerful look.
Deets, the black cook, seemed to be the only man in the outfit who could muster a cheerful look.
Mr Mowett's cheerful look changed to one of extreme gravity.
The boy had a healthy and cheerful look.
Two further lamps lit the room to give it an almost cheerful look which contrasted markedly with the general darkness of the house.
The little man's cheerful look changed to one of dis- may.
However, when the prince started to turn toward the tray again, her eyes took on the same cheerful look as before.
He had the same brisk, competent, cheerful look as the corporal.