Alonso's music is funny, cheerful, easy melody and with a popular accent.
Near the end of the concert, thousands of people repeat the line, "Everybody's got a hungry heart" set to a cheerful melody.
The song itself consists of a very cheerful melody.
It brought an unexpected cheerful melody to the heavy undercurrent.
After that buildup, the clarinet subsides and gives room for the French horns to play a cheerful melody.
Pursing his lips, he casts back into his memories, trying to recall a cheerful melody.
His works are vigorous and forceful, with cheerful melodies written even near the end of the Habsburg dynasty.
The track "Go" is described as an impressive song with a cheerful melody.
Light beats and cheerful melodies were in vogue at the time; therefore the two used a lighter style.
His musical repertoire contains, as well, sad and cheerful melodies, borrowed from the Andalusian music.