Dinner, served by a cheerful waitress, included salmon, boiled potatoes, salad and beer ($60 for two, not including service).
Audrey Tautou stars as the most cheerful waitress in Paris.
The main course our cheerful young waitress recommended, for good reason, was pork Bicol.
They slipped into a booth and gave their orders to a prompt, cheerful waitress.
The cheerful young waitress arrived with their lunches, and they exchanged innocuous comments about the weather while she put the food in front of them.
Although the cheerful waitress was a trooper, pacing was off - no mystery if the only waitress in the room is also tending the bar.
Rennie said nothing of the trip, but he joined them at breakfast at Shari's, making the normally cheerful waitresses nervous with his dangerous looks.
A waitress, aproned and cheerful, materialized with the dessert truck.
The cheerful waitress offered us a choice of hot, medium and mild seasonings.
Young, cheerful waitresses wearing shorts and T-shirts run through the specials of the day, and one sounds better than the next.