Silica aerogels start out with a reaction of chemicals dissolved in water, which combine to form a fine tracery of interlinked silicon and oxygen atoms entrapping microscopic channels and voids filled with water.
Some of this water has to be made very pure with almost no other chemicals dissolved in it.
Biogenic and precipitate rocks form from the deposition of minerals from chemicals dissolved from all other rock types.
(An H2S reaction just goes and goes until it's all used up, and with some chemicals it goes too fast and splashes or overflows, and it is done with fairly strong chemicals dissolved in the water.)
But some experts fear that toxic chemicals dissolved in the seawater could force the plant to close, cutting off the main source of fresh water for eastern Saudi Arabia and the capital, Riyadh.
A solution is a bucket of water with some concentration of chemicals dissolved in it.
Relative to the majority of the deep sea, the areas around submarine hydrothermal vents are biologically more productive, often hosting complex communities fueled by the chemicals dissolved in the vent fluids.
Many industrial processes rely on reactions using chemicals dissolved in water, suspension of solids in water slurries or using water to dissolve and extract substances.
The "scents" detected by rhinophores are chemicals dissolved in the sea water.
A serum osmolality test measures the amount of chemicals dissolved in the liquid part (serum) of the blood.