In 2011 it was discovered that the web of Nephila antipodiana contains ant-repellent chemicals to protect the web.
Recent evidence has suggested the chemical can protect the tissues against the oxidative damage that results in such hallmarks of age as clogged arteries, cancer, wrinkles and liver spots.
Other chemicals in peppers were potent antioxidants and protected against macular degeneration.
Ser," the Laclac said, "during the most recent flogging nine enforcers went mad here despite ingestion of angeret and various other chemicals we'd believed would protect us.
Another chemical, berberine, might be able to lower blood sugar and "bad" LDLcholesterol as well as protect the liver against toxic materials.
Other chemicals might combat pain and swelling (inflammation), and also protect the liver against toxins.
In animal studies, chemicals in danshen may also have protected the inner linings of arteries from damage.
The chlorophyll is capturing solar energy and the residual chemicals protect the trees from insect grazing.
Inflammation is a process by which the body's white blood cells and chemicals protect the body against infection and foreign organisms such as bacteria and viruses.
These chemicals protect the stomach and gastrointestinal tract from damage.