- Have you had the corrosion, if any, chemically analyzed?
They can also be chemically analyzed for more in-depth information on the individual who excreted them.
Food was reduced to those physical properties that could be analyzed and synthesized chemically.
We do not know the properties of granite sand, however, and suggest that the material be chemically analyzed before it is used.
It is possible to chemically analyze your food, blood, tissues, hair, and all your waste products.
Embassy security has opened, scanned, and chemically analyzed it.
The classification appears to be and can be simple to use for rocks that have been chemically analyzed.
The tissue is generally examined under a microscope by a pathologist, and can also be analyzed chemically.
Samples are chemically analyzed and compared with library specimens.
Just about every substance at a crime scene could be identified and chemically analyzed, then displayed in a three-dimensional digital map.