She was born in Leningrad, and was a chemistry lecturer at the Leningrad Technological Institute.
Other than being a football player, Iqbal is also a part-time chemistry lecturer at Bradford College.
During his medical career, he worked in Sagaing Division's Yuthitgyi Hospital and served as a chemistry lecturer at Mandalay University from 1983 to 1988.
In 1882 Sandmeyer was made a chemistry lecturer at the ETH by Viktor Meyer.
Clarke took his bachelors of science from Harvard in 1867 and took a position as a chemistry lecturer, Boston Dental College.
The terminal was found by retired chemistry lecturer Dr. Steve Hammond about 400 metres from the findspot of the main body of the torc.
After show business Harry became a headmaster, Drew a chemistry lecturer and Tom an electronics engineer.
Walden was also credited as a talented chemistry lecturer.
In 1904, Weizmann became a chemistry lecturer at the University of Manchester and soon became a leader among British Zionists.
Her mother, Beverly Whyte Ifill, is a chemistry lecturer for the City University of New York.