The Allegrini has a pleasant, bitter cherry finish - the touch of austerity making it an ideal foil to buttery pasta.
It was a nice $600 Gibson with a hand- rubbed cherry finish.
For the walls, Mrs. Krieger, 65, chose a cherry finish, and for the floor, ceramic tiles like those in the kitchen.
The model is available in worn brown and worn cherry finishes.
Both guitars have a cherry red finish and mini humbucker pickups, but while the Riviera has a white pickguard, the Sheraton has a black one.
The body is made from a single piece of mahogany with a very authentic, Gibson-like cherry finish.
GIBSON Howard Roberts Custom, 1973, cherry finish, mint condition, £700 including case.
In addition, the Junior's fresh look was enhanced with a new cherry red finish, while the re-shaped TV adopted a new, rather yellow-tinged finish for its new design.
Soothing tones, dark cherry finishes and butterscotch-colored banquettes give the feel of a luxury hotel.
All back panels have a cherry finish and access holes for wiring.