Avelyn looked long and hard at the man, at the cherubic features so twisted by an almost maniacal rage.
But on spying Mitchell's cherubic features, the proprietor refused to serve him saying he had received instructions by 'phone not to.
A holographic little boy with cherubic features, red cheeks, and black hair hurried onto the court and retrieved the ball.
Father Baggio bustles in, a smile on the chubby priest's cherubic features.
Chastain stood confidently erect, cherubic features broken by an idiot's grin.
Why not put Ralph Reed's cherubic features on the Dole effort, like a "happy face" sticker?
In the background of one of the photos Rebus could make out the cherubic features of Detective Sergeant Brian Holmes.
Some severely GH-deficient children have recognizable, cherubic facial features characterized by maxillary hypoplasia and forehead prominence (said to resemble a kewpie doll).
Drizzt couldn't make out Regis's cherubic features from that distance, but he could well imagine the joy the news brought his tormented friend.
Galen started to respond again, but Regis came forward and put on as stern an expression as he could muster with his cherubic features.