While it may be old news that Evancho is an impossibly perfect mix of talent, youth, and cherubic looks, Foster has some interesting insight on working with someone so young on her upcoming album.
Despite her sullen posturing, which is all this role requires, Ms. Jolie has the sweetly cherubic looks of her father, Jon Voight.
Margo Lion, a producer of "The Wedding Singer," said Mr. Lynch has "got this cherubic look, but he has a dangerous side to him."
The rabid man screamed at the psychiatrist, but the cherubic look had returned and he was smiling dreamily at the opposite wall.
Francis swallowed some wine, attempted a cherubic look, and wagged a finger.
His cherubic looks and his ties to the Disney machine must indicate he's a swell guy, right?
He gave her his best cherubic look.
Your face is great, that cherubic look is kinda now, but if you don't drop to ninety pounds, soaking wet, you're gonna be playing character parts for, like, for ever.
He had a sort of cherubic look but was by no means handsome, and carried a bit of fat himself.
Don't be fooled by his cherubic looks.