The king being a chess enthusiast himself gladly accepted the invitation.
Ask chess enthusiasts, men and women, why this is so, and the response is the same: We don't know.
On the other hand he maintained good working relationships with several strong players and influential chess enthusiasts, and demonstrated excellent management skills.
Kishon was a lifelong chess enthusiast, and took an early interest in chess-playing computers.
A local group of chess enthusiasts, meanwhile, wanted an outdoor spot to play and to hold competitions.
As an adult, he often played with other chess enthusiasts at Washington Square Park.
It is a pretty safe guess that chess enthusiasts have never got so much fun out of draws, and there were 17 of them.
Rosenwald was also a chess enthusiast, and donated money to support American chess.
And many chess enthusiasts complain that the prices - even $50 loge or $25 balcony seats - are too high.
He was here last night; a chess enthusiast like myself.