When the waiter had gone, Kristatos sat and chewed silently on a wooden toothpick.
The man chewed silently a moment, staring at Kilkenny.
Talli sat silently chewing on her lip in the darkened back seat of the limousine, trying to find the right words to tell Derek.
As I sat there, silently chewing the tough vegetable fibers, a figure approached.
Patton put a cut of tobacco into his mouth and chewed on it silently, his calm eyes full of nothing.
He forked a piece of beef and chewed silently for a minute, and then he looked up.
Mark chewed silently a moment, then said, "I don't really know.
He chewed silently and then spat on the floor.
Facing a corner, the iron-jawed man silently chewed his lips, relieved that he need no longer stand almost alone.
Sue filled her mouth with houmus and chewed silently for a moment.