The hacked chicken salad, although tender, was primarily a pile of shredded chicken coated in a sweet sauce that reminded one companion of her days eating Skippy peanut butter, albeit in a positive light.
One very good dish is the baked Bolivian picnic chicken, half a boned chicken coated with a fiery curry paste and bread crumbs.
The substantial chicken, coated with a chili-seasoned breading, is commendable tasty, if just a tad dry.
Roasted chickens coated with a mango sauce spiced with Tabasco fit the bill.
Seeing him exiting forlornly, having gazed on chicken or ribs coated in red-brown sauce, I tried to envision what it was he was seeking.
I loved the partly boned half Amish chicken coated with six kinds of chilies that imparted a beguilingly complex heat.
Other recommended dishes are grilled salmon with a fresh dill vinaigrette; sirloin steak with bearnaise sauce; chicken diable, which is roasted breast of chicken coated with mustard.
Hot chicken: common in the Nashville, Tennessee area, a pan-fried variant of fried chicken coated with lard and cayenne pepper paste.
Rabo announced dinner and they sat down to soup, an elaborate dish of chicken coated in a delicious sauce--a successful effort on Wolke's part to transform the chicken a la king into something edible-and the creme caramel.
- invariably used to be a greasy shoulder pad of chicken coated with melted mozzarella and lost in a sea of all-purpose tomato sauce.