For the last four years it has been operating at a tiny fraction of its former capacity in an abandoned chicken factory 25 miles west of here.
The show follows, with a lot of digression, her path from the chicken factory to celebrity.
Few Americans associate closely with chickens anymore, and those who do generally work in chicken factories, where their charges are scarcely more than feathered zombies.
"For a lot of people it's better than McDonald's or the chicken factory."
That's odd isn't it cos the chicken factories do don't they?
And he's got himself a good job at the chicken factory.
The popular theory is that when prices went up in the fall, the chicken "factory" unloaded all its chickens, leaving none to lay eggs.
We have the bricks for a chicken factory sitting five miles away.
I didn't know why he was looking so thoroughly at all these chicken factories with their huge signs.
Some of the characters worked in what they called "the chicken factory", a slaughterhouse.