For Philip Johnson is the architect who helped coin the term "International Style" and was for many years its chief American advocate.
He was America's chief public advocate for war, spreading information gathered by his own intelligence network to newspapers, magazines, television programs and Congress.
Senator Joseph I. Lieberman of Connecticut, chief Democratic advocate for the department, asked.
But outside the studio, the assistant acts as chief advocate for an employer's point of view.
After her resignation, some good government proponents praised Tyrrell for her candor, including the chief public advocate with California Common Cause.
Principals, teachers and the school board count on him, as chief advocate for the school system, to make vivid the impact of the cuts.
"It curtails the rights of BMs to control their own trade," said Hetti Bishop, chief advocate.
Lieutenant Tutov is a chief advocate of an all-volunteer military force.
Americans came to know Primakov as chief Soviet advocate of Saddam Hussein just before the Persian Gulf war.
The next morning I was scheduled to film a lecture by Helen Wu, chief advocate of the view that Mosalas methodology verged on circular logic.