Jobs was a founder of the animation studio and one of its chief financial backers in the early days of the company.
The rebels' two chief backers, Rwanda and Uganda, also signed.
He was the chief financial backer of heavyweight champion John L. Sullivan.
One big sticking point may come over the Mayor's pledge to challenge the municipal unions, who remain chief financial and political backers of most Council members.
Field was the publication's chief financial backer.
Wilson Wright, a Penn graduate, was the team's manager and chief financial backer.
His chief backer is Roy Hattersley, whom he has been seeing quite a bit lately.
California Common Cause was a chief backer of one of the state's term limit campaigns.
His chief financial backers are defense companies.
The show's lackluster performance is particularly mortifying to Ms. Salhany, who has been its chief backer at the network.