Eventually Orini became the chief disciple of Dormammu.
He became the chief disciple in knowing the rules of the order and the foremost disciple in keeping precepts.
Both then became bhikkhus in the sangha and went on to become the two chief disciples of the Buddha.
Khema was one of the two chief female disciples of Buddha (the other being Uppalavanna).
He became the chief disciple of Lord Mahavira at the age of 50.
The two chief disciples were uncomfortable sitting in front of Kaundinya, so he decided to solve the problem by absenting himself.
According to the Buddha every Buddha in the past and to come will have two chief disciples and one attendant during his ministry.
The wall behind the statue has the images of the Buddha's two chief disciples, Sariputra and Maudgalyayana.
Krishna was a past life of Sariputra, a chief disciple of the Buddha.
He had eight chief disciples, known as gandharas.