Helga Hegel was the chief overseer of the Helmbrechts subcamp of Flossenbürg concentration camp.
For almost as long as Apollo could remember, the world had ac-cepted the Gatekeeper (really a succession of Gatekeepers, the god supposed) as chief overseer of all sacrifices at the shrine.
Latinius Macer, a Gaul, was the chief overseer of the slaves.
A prominent Party member, he assumed control of the project as chief overseer.
Edmund Bacon, chief overseer at Monticello for about twenty years, described Harriet's gaining freedom:
A Gaul who is chief overseer of the slaves.
Every kind of drama a sentient was capable of, in feet- he was the chief overseer of one of the largest hospital stations in Central Systems.
The Moderator presides at all presbytery assemblies and is the chief overseer at the ordination and installation of ministers in that presbytery.
The female chief overseers (Lagerfuehrerinnen and Oberaufseherinnen) in Ravensbrück were: