In Nicoya would reside a high chief, who held that post for life and exercised political authority, and would carry out religious and ceremonial functions.
The paramount chief and the royal matrilineage of the Kwawu reside at Abene, north of Abetifi on the banks of the highlands.
The chief resided at Menlough Castle, in the parish of Killascobe, Galway.
Moreover, chiefs or headmen didn't reside in elaborate stone palaces, nor did their religion require the construction of large temples or compounds.
A high ranking military chief would usually be in command of the garrison and resided in Gafsa.
The chiefs reside at Khanpur Maher in Ghotki District, in Sindh.
Theu are found mainly in Ghotki, where their chief resides, and Sukkur and Shikarpur District.
Omarakana, about halfway between Losuia and Kaibola, is where the island's paramount chief resides.
They live mainly in Ghotki, where their chief resides, and in Sukkur and Shikarpur District.
The chief resided at the town of Nowgong in Madhya Pradesh.