The chief would not say whom the police had questioned or were seeking to question in the case.
Upon reaching the final day, both the elderly villages and the chief will seek for good foirtune by breaking eggs collected from the village.
Reeling, clawing blindly at the wall, the chief of crime still sought to pull the switch.
The grand chief sought safety in the neighbouring community of Laval.
In 1609, several Indian chiefs sought baptism at St. Augustine.
The chief did not seek payment from The Times for the photo or two others in which he appears with Mr. Bush.
Suzi Oppenheimer's chief of staff Steve Otis will seek the democratic nomination.
There was the goal that Hothan's chief had sought!
The chiefs had sought to maintain peace in spite of pressures from whites.
It was obvious to Nate that the chief not only listened to Rachel but also sought her advice.