Then he reached out to the gold ornament the chief wore in his ear.
However, chiefs in Ghana wear the smock with a red fez hat.
A chief might wear it to welcome you to a social gathering like a feast, or potlatch.
The ornaments that chiefs wear over their left hip most often depict the human face but are different in form from the pectorals.
On occasions, chiefs wear the traditional cloth, which is a six yards long piece of fabric, wrapped around the body.
The chief wore a look of bitter contemplation.
The chief of staff had black hair and wore a navy suit so dark it looked black.
The chiefs wear a long coat made of silk.
The native chiefs wore their beautiful ceremonial gowns at the signing of the historic treaty.
Evidently, this was because of the coat of old Spanish mail the chief wore, which appears to have protected him from light weapons fire.