His name is chiefly associated with the latter paper, which he owned and edited for many years.
There have been especially steep increases after each war and occasional plateaus, associated chiefly with economic hard times.
The club is, however, chiefly associated with folk music.
He is chiefly associated with efforts to revive interest in the Catalan language and its dialects.
This is the work with which his name is chiefly associated, and was written in haste to meet an immediate need.
The presence of high blood pressure in diabetes is associated with a 4 fold increase in death chiefly from heart disease and strokes.
However, the title is chiefly associated with the Compton family.
However, let us remember the most important things, chiefly associated with the protection of minors.
For more than five decades the hall has been chiefly associated with the British Labour movement.
It was with his friends that I now chiefly associated.