The sounds were still too hard for Amy, and the child did not attempt to say the word.
It will investigate how such children do attempt to communicate, and the problems that this creates for parents.
Of course, if the children had attempted a journey like this a few days ago in England, they would have been knocked up.
Most rinks suggest that only children from age 3 and up attempt the ice.
Indeed, it is more likely that a small child will attempt to command an adult than the other way around.
The children then attempt to live on their own.
The children attempt to stop these tests before any damage can be done to the environment.
The children attempt to blame each other for causing the fight, none willing to take the responsibility.
The methods of instruction were based on the idea that very young children attempt to draw before they can write.
The children attempt to run away together, and are found by their parents in the woods by the end of the video.