Women passed the message to their men, children chanted his name in the alleys.
Together, the children chant: "We are the voice of the proletariat.
In various fields, children were chanting, clapping their hands and singing camp songs.
She heard maids in waiting, young children, everyone, chanting, "Kill him!"
The song begins with a child chanting, "Enough is enough of this garbage!"
She repeatedly asked Ryan whether her children had died, chanted rhythmically about their deaths, and seemed unable to care for herself.
It came in the form of some nonsense rhyme the local children were chanting in front of our house.
Preachers yelled it from their pulpits an children chanted it in school.
The way led through the tiny town, past the tortilla factory and the woodcarving workshop and the school where children were chanting their lessons.
Soon she had the children chanting, "Low fat, high fiber, lots of water, exercise," accompanied by moves that looked a lot like the Macarena.