He set the rear pump working and peered down into the orlop deck where the women and children cowered.
Mothers and children cowered in terror as the shoot-out erupted.
The children are cowering behind the railing now, huddled together in groups of three or four.
Like a child cowering in the darkness, praying for some formless dread to pass, I lay there, teetering on an edge between times.
Tattooed children cowered as the three walked on down the corridor.
The younger children stood many feet away from their brother and cowered when the big man turned brusquely, his belly swaying under his robe.
Eames, the massive warrior, stood with his back to one of the huts, and three wall-eyed black children cowered behind him.
The children below cowered on the floor, staring up at the glass above them as it was darkened with falling rubble.
Two feet away, the nun and the child still cowered from the noise they thought was the sound of their death.
His wife Rahel and three smaller children cowered against the wall.