When children cannot handle stress they may begin to develop emotional problems.
Amazingly, by day three all the children could handle a boat on their own.
You don't think a child can handle seeing the human body?
Not all children handle the responsibility of organizing their own time that well.
Almost all the products are made in miniature so that the small child can handle it.
There are several things that parents can do to help their children handle these situations: Talk about the friend's problem.
The teacher can learn much about the children's thinking by observing the way that children handle and use the equipment.
As might be expected, children handle the situation best when they have the most control, like a night at a friend's or relative's home.
Mother didn't mind, but Eleanor certainly did - and the children couldn't handle it at all.
"You have to be aware of what the child can handle at his or her own developmental level," he added.