It has been found that in their earliest school years, poor children lag behind others, suggesting the fact that they were ill-prepared for schooling.
Without schools and playmates, the children lagged behind.
Poverty, unemployment, and having no dignity are the main reasons that some children lag behind.
The findings are the same in virtually all cases: deaf children lag behind their hearing counterparts.
Instead, the children lagged when it came to their capacity to walk quickly and crack open large cowrie shells.
Let your baby develop at his own pace - but if you're worried that your child is lagging behind, talk to your pediatrician.
Without appropriate intervention, these children lag behind their peers.
Middle-class black children lag behind their white and Asian peers, with the gap the largest among the college-educated.
My child, believe me none of us shall lag behind or pause from any fear.
My aching body resisted each new effort I demanded of it, and the children were lagging.