The second grandson was the eldest child of his third daughter, was an Engineer and died in his sixties.
Jane Fairfax was an orphan, the only child of Mrs. Bates's youngest daughter.
He now has one remaining child of 3, his eldest daughter and child.
They were both children of the Matriarchate, and that bold a change would not come in Miranda's lifetime, or, perhaps, that of her unborn daughter.
In the novel he buys his own enslaved daughter to be a nursemaid to the children of his "legitimate" white daughter.
The head of this family believed he saw in Myeerah the child of his long lost daughter.
Ms. Medina's 3-year-old granddaughter was living with her, the child of her daughter, Maria, 19, who lives elsewhere.
Nothing is known about Viacheslava's first years; she was one of the children of her parents and their only daughter.
Indeed, a child of Peython's daughter will not be unworthy of Doimar.
"Beloved child of my grandson's daughter," she murmured.