This is because the children perceive the repeated questioning as a sign that they did not give the "correct" answer previously.
Surveys ought to focus on how parents and children perceive the ways in which the school satisfies their needs.
Your child may perceive these emotions as being directed at him or her rather than at the disease.
The child perceives that sexuality is not only encouraged but can be a means to an end.
The child may perceive a crisis: her family is moving to a new home or her parents are arguing more frequently.
How, he was asked, do his children perceive their future?
But given the way the child perceives the world, he's right.
There is some evidence that children less than 72 hours old can perceive such complex things as biological motion.
It portrays the world from the standpoint of a little child and shows how children perceive various things in life.
Her research examines how young children perceive rules and make decisions.