And although they tended to come from less advantaged backgrounds, only children performed as well as, or even slightly better than, fellow pupils from two-child families.
The May 2006 NHEIAP educational assessment report showed the school's high-school aged children performed above state averages in both math and reading.
He was a childhood friend of Charlie Chaplin, and as a child performed with his brother Joe as part of his parents' pantomime act, the Florador Quartet.
A huge buffalo head plays a role in "Land," as does a young child, performed in Brooklyn by Yuta, the 6-year-old son of Eiko and Koma.
Skjønberg also wrote several stage-comedies for children performed at Det Norske Teatret, and was an active instructor, mainly for children's-plays.
Yesterday, the last day of the five-week course, the children performed for their parents in the Wheatleys' backyard.
It consists of songs for children written or performed by Woody Guthrie.
In 1979 75 children performed in front of 1000 people.
He has written two plays for children, performed by the Sutradhar Puppet Theater of Sri Ram Center for Art and Culture.
Both children performed in school plays with their uncle's help.