Here, the children of the tribe place their hands on the rock to receive blessings to make them good people.
Rhea glanced around, the child in her arms, then placed him beside his mother.
She and her children placed the statue in front of the store, where it became a landmark.
These children would place little to no importance on their present state, which was a habit that continued into adulthood.
Furthermore, there has been a tendency to ignore the value which children, young people and their parents place in residential care.
The child lay on a tall padded table and placed his chin in a little cup.
The children place their cards in the pack face downwards.
The child went around to each body and placed small stones on the eyes of the dead.
Like maybe one of the former members placed two small children at the home.
Sometimes children place a symbol or name tag on a bottle at the beginning of the day to label their own.