Lady Torin, her four children, and the principal members of her late husband's entourage had already sailed, in disgrace, for the mainland.
We all wish our children could sail through their academic careers with straight As, perfect attendance and glowing reports from all of their teachers.
Instead she and the children sailed to Argentina where her parents had recently emigrated.
Some classes allow children to sail double handed until a particular age and then require them to compete single handed.
The ships out in the Gut looked like toys at this distance, a fleet a child might sail in his bathtub.
The boats that the children sail in the park do not tip over like this.
The two missionaries and their children sailed from Halifax on the 30th of November, 1846.
Their first child, a daughter, Bertie sailed in the ship Cumberland with her parents.
At a little pond near by some cleanly dressed children were sailing white canvas boats.
The eldest child, Amy, was sailing through school like a yacht.