Black children enroll in school later and leave earlier, score lower on tests, and are less likely to enter college.
The children of parents in the last group scored best physically and intellectually.
Its 2,500 children score among the top in New York City schools.
Is the criterion that many children score below "grade level"?
I shudder to think what some children scored on that test; it is not a level playing field!
Thus, in general, children today scored higher than their grandparents did on those same tests.
When tested on different test, by independent psychologists, the children scored below average.
Translated into English: if one more special-education child had scored 3, the school of 970 would have gone from failing to successful.
Researchers found that children in programs that continued beyond preschool scored much higher on reading tests.
A recent study has found that tall children score slightly higher on intelligence tests and perform better academically "perhaps because more is expected of them."