He glanced at the children seated at the edge of the dance ground.
A typical puzzler is a seal ring showing a king, his queen and a child seated on a bed.
He stared at the two children seated in the center of the open glade eating a little picnic lunch.
Easily transported from one school to another, these little planetariums can accommodate about 30 children seated on the ground.
Ms. Gelman herself was kneeling by a group of children seated at a table.
How many parents teach the child seated in the shopping cart to appreciate good fruits and vegetables?
There were several older children seated in the rear.
One of the children still seated on the floor spoke directly to Hali: "Do you know where that man got his name?"
Dr. Geezer approaches a group of children seated at a table.
She watched him walk away along the path, step aside behind the flowering bush, and reappear with the child seated on his shoulder.