Government officials insist that the state has no option but to arrest children suspected of committing serious crimes.
Every child suspected of having ADHD should be carefully examined by a doctor to rule out possible other conditions or reasons for the behavior.
A child suspected of having autism will have assessments, including:
Since the 1950's, New Jersey has required that every child suspected of needing special education be seen by a school psychologist, a social worker, a learning-disability consultant and a physician.
It is often used in children suspected of being abused.
In 1987, there were 1,248 caseworkers in New Jersey, one for every 36 children suspected of being abused.
A Federal court decree requires that children suspected of having a disability be processed in a timely fashion.
Data from a primarily American study during 1998-1999 found that no-nit policies were present at 82% of the schools attended by children suspected of louse infestation.
The intention of the campaign was to confirm Osama bin Laden's presence in the city by obtaining DNA samples from children suspected of being his.
More than two dozen children suspected of being trafficked into the UK this year through Kent's channel ports have gone missing from care.