A childish toy, but useful when there is lack of time for higher science.
I looked anxiously at Kate, who might well state her lack of interest in such childish toys.
In the manga, she throws away the Luna-P after her transformation and derides it as a childish toy.
Machiavel expresses the cynical view that power is amoral, saying "I count religion but a childish toy,/And hold there is no sin but ignorance."
Christopher Marlowe wrote: "I count religion but a childish toy, And hold there is no sin but ignorance."
Oh, I have dreamed of the world that may come, ages ahead, when even the marvels you see around you now will be considered childish toys!
By the time teddies are discarded as childish toys their job is done.
Your cheddite projector is a simple variation of our R-Shi, ray, which we discarded eons ago as a childish toy, then forgot about it.
But the weapon FitzRoy wielded was no childish toy.
Put aside thy lust for power and thy hunger for revenge, as they are but childish toys.