He was told that a childless man is not worthy of the king's presence.
Unknowingly, he was a childless man, while striving to add more wealth to his only child's inheritance.
Percy is a fraud,' and never mind wondering how anyone could come to a childless man and pass himself off as his son.
Some have shown childless men to be at higher risk for death.
A 13% increased risk was seen among childless men compared to men who fathered just one child.
Sir Carmichael is a childless man with a cancer-stricken wife.
The reason for this is not known and Claude died leaving his immense fortune, in the manner of a childless man, to charity.
He was a short, energetic man, modest in his tastes and happily married, though childless.
Infinitely precious she seemed to the childless man; the more so if the curse should be true.
Other unmarried or childless men might even request another man's wife to bear his children if she had previously been a strong child bearer.