Physical characteristics - P-types have the most childlike appearance of the four body types.
The childlike appearance to all her music videos is done on purpose by the duo.
Eventually, he does see beyond her childlike appearance and loves the Valkyrie within.
A shrewd, hard look came into Miss Marvell's eyes which belied their childlike appearance.
However, their relationship is a rocky one, and made difficult as Klan's adult body would revert to a childlike physical appearance upon micronization.
His slight, childlike appearance was formed in a gray skin whose metallic pigments blocked scanning probes.
Some media attention has been given to sexual activity involving avatars with a childlike appearance.
The company has also redesigned its teddy bears to give them a softer, more childlike appearance.
Despite her childlike appearance, she was as tough and sharp as any man Tara had ever met.
This gave him a curiously childlike appearance marred only by the thick glasses.