In fact, his abusive, bullying, threatening and childlike behavior has sadly been tolerated for decades.
Because of his childlike behavior, he is great with children like Zoey's daughter Ava.
Psychologists say that adult siblings often revert to childlike behavior, and even language, when dealing with each other.
Unfortunately, the more we structure these issues the worse and more childlike behaviour becomes.
There is no sign in Nora's childlike behavior up to this point that she's ever faced hardship.
Despite his childlike behavior he can be quite cunning.
While claiming no knowledge of the incident, several Cubs players defended their young teammate, who is known for occasional childlike behavior.
This silly and childlike regressive behaviour cannot be allowed to go on in a relationship in which a couple care for one another.
She writes about handicapped adults who have received some schooling and still exhibit a childlike behavior.
"It's shocking to me that grown adults can engage in such childlike behavior, and I say it about both sides," she said.