He saw the world through very childlike eyes - as if looking at them for the first time - which I think is a quality of genius.
She obeyed, but in the muted light of the match, he saw her eyes, pupils dilated, wild, childlike.
His childlike blue eyes were on Pharos.
How his big blue childlike eyes stared about!
The genies gazed upon her with their vague childlike eyes.
Melanie turned childlike eyes of gratitude and dependence upon him.
Two French soldiers try to rouse him as he lies on the ground, but life slips unerringly from his childlike eyes.
Dloan just sat there with wide, frightened childlike eyes, stroking her hands and whispering to her.
He looked hopelessly at the others out of his, somehow, childlike blue eyes, but met no encouraging return.
Then she pictured Axiana's face, the large, childlike eyes, and the sweet smile.