"The gardening genes are coming through at last," my father said, with a smile almost childlike in the way it hid nothing.
"Well, I've never been abducted," he said in an interview with a childlike smile that makes him seem younger than his 38 years.
He looked up and gave her a helpless, childlike smile.
"Surplus rations," the giant said, with a childlike smile.
His eyes grew big and round, his mouth formed a delighted and perhaps childlike closed smile.
Holding a rose to her cheek, the woman in the photograph was younger than Julie by a few years, her smile almost childlike.
Czilikov, as much as his aged face would allow, managed an almost childlike smile.
He managed three shuffling steps and broke into a sunny, childlike smile.
She turned and, smiling that innocent childlike smile, said, 'You must meet my price.'
A childlike smile has utterly transformed his face.