So, what childlike trust remained in a girl who distrusted all men, was given to an elderly eunuch.
She seemed to sense Claudia's sympathy and looked toward her with a pathetic childlike trust.
Unhappy young King, his childlike trust in that foolish old Maurepas deserved another return.
The farmer's eyes widened and he stared at me with a childlike trust in which there was no trace of scepticism.
The fear in her voice, coupled with an almost childlike trust, reached deep down inside him, stirring his best and worst selves.
And o' course we won't exactly get childlike trust at first.
He felt deeply moved by this evidence of the boy's faith, and by his childlike trust in bringing them to this place.
Some immortal had rewarded that willingness, that childlike trust, with murder.
The only thing that stopped him was the almost childlike trust with which she slept curled on top of him.
With childlike trust, she lay in his arms.