Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
Chilliness had turned to a cold which bit at his bare face.
Her body was cold with the chilliness outside the blankets.
The desk staff is detached to the point of chilliness.
The chilliness did not give her a good feeling about the occupant of the bed.
But in recent years the rain and chilliness has been increased noticeably.
She described him as an attentive friend whose public persona of chilliness has little to do with the real man.
The chilliness prevents the world from finding him out.
But the chilliness did not last for long.
The tone is loving, though behind it there is a certain chilliness.
I was beginning to feel the chilliness again.
Your chief claim to distinction through it all, if I may say so, has been your chilliness.
Yet there was more than theatrical chilliness here.
Again an oddity of voice, a chilliness, at mention of the name.
Lin felt a chilliness, a strange anger along with the positiveness in her voice.
Autumn or spring - avoid seasonal heat and chilliness.
Ace could sense a sudden chilliness in Legion's manner.
The chilliness of the relationship between Gilbert and Sullivan is sometimes overstated.
"But a lot of that was based on the unusual chilliness we noticed in that room.
Cold drinks can bring on chilliness or cough.
There is a chilliness in the air.
He sees a feud in the understandable chilliness that opponents show one another while campaigning.
Continuing down the debit column, he often had the same chilliness I despised in my starter husband.
But they played this complicated stuff with such ferocity that you couldn't knock them for chilliness.
Sometimes he acts cold and dismissive, hoping his chilliness will drive her back to his arms.
Her chilliness enforces a priority I agree with - individuality over group identity."