But even the most successful moments of the Oriole season was accompanied by a chilling scene.
Except once, in perhaps the most chilling and disturbing scene in Ronson's book.
They pale in comparison with today's chilling scene.
The shooting roused sleeping residents, at least one of whom flung open her door onto a chilling scene of chaos and blood.
In the end, as those on the fourth floor surrendered, tossing guns and ammunition down to the street, the most chilling scene of all occurred.
As tonight's episode ends, the full weight of Alice's perilous situation comes crashing down on her in the film's most chilling and confusing scene.
Another tape made the same day but never shared with the world's networks showed a more chilling scene.
These films also had well-known actors and directors, which helped present some of the most chilling scenes in Indian cinema.
There was a chilling scene, after she finds out her cancer is back and protests, "But I did everything right."
The movie could open with a chilling scene.