The local chimpanzee population has grown and many research and conservation initiatives have been employed within the reserve.
Poaching is only one of the forces conspiring against Burundi's chimpanzee population.
It is estimated that the chimpanzee population in the forest comprises a single interbreeding community of 11-13 adults.
With only about 150,000 chimps remaining in the wild, the chimpanzee population is being destroyed and the lives of these creatures are being degraded.
The report emphasized that euthanasia should not be used to control the chimpanzee population, although it could be used on sick or injured animals.
The activity-as yet hardly more than a nuisance-had started among the chimpanzee population in the back country.
There may be widely infected chimpanzee populations, but they are so isolated that they did not spread their infection to other chimpanzees.
She said the plan could greatly reduce the chimpanzee population, because the animals are usually captured by killing their mothers.
Nearly all chimpanzee populations have been recorded using tools.
We have noted a decrease of 80 percent in chimpanzee populations.