There are two chin barbels.
Although this species has a similar appearance to other codfishes, it is easily recognized by its slender body, deeply forked tail, projecting mouth, and small chin barbels.
Photophores are also present at the tip of chin barbels.
The barbels are thin and short; the maxillary barbels only reach just beyond eye, and the bases of the chin barbels are close together.
Unlike some other members of the family Sciaenidae, the spotted seatrout does not have any chin barbels.
There are three pairs of barbels, one pair of long maxillary barbels and two pairs of shorter chin barbels.
Their sensitive chin barbels help locate food, and strong pharyngeal teeth crush the shells of these preferred foods.
It lacks the chin barbels of other cod species (or this barbel is small).
Photophores are also present in chin barbels of the family Stomiidae.
They have chin barbels.