Two feet above him was a chinless, half-human face.
The bulky alien, with a chinless, wrinkled face that looked as if he had been partially melted, nodded.
His large, half-closed eyes, along with his thick lips and chinless face, appeared calm.
Harry thought a moment, his chinless face sour.
He had a small, chinless face, something like an ugly child's.
His goggled, chinless face swiveled towards me in what appeared to be astonishment.
With his long-nosed, almost chinless face and bright eye, the old man resembled nothing so much as a dirty harbor bird.
The skin of his neck was wrinkled and loose, hanging from his chinless face.
There was nothing in his chinless face of the awesome wonder that Gabriel usually looked down on.
To the horror of the crowd, the guard dropped the pistol and grabbed his suddenly chinless face before falling to the ground.