But now she tipped back awkwardly, raising her chinless jaw.
There was the same low, ridged forehead, close-set eyes, muscular but chinless jaw, protruding teeth.
There was no mistaking the sloping forehead, the brow ridges, the chinless jaw, the lump at the base of the skull.
A pause, as Shenrich's chinless jaw sagged down into his collar.
A slanted, narrow face with a jutting, chinless jaw and large, bared teeth.
He cupped her chinless jaw in his hand, and tried to raise up her huge head.
A bushy beard hid his chinless jutting jaw.
Her nose was almost petite, but it was clear she would have the prognathous, chinless jaw of the Clan.
His large beaky nose protruded beyond a heavy chinless jaw that jutted forward.
He stood up, twitched his collar straight, then shot his chinless jaw forward as far as it would go.