Somarus had his mother's towering, graceful form and her chiseled good looks.
As the game grows in physicality, the chiseled look of many receivers reflects that trend.
Although his chiseled good looks have helped him keep alive a career over five decades, Mr. Richman said that it was becoming harder each year.
This twist on the biceps curl will also work the deltoids, muscles that give shoulders a chiseled look.
Carl Monroe smiled jovially when he saw the chiseled look on my face.
Mr. Degn, who has the chiseled good looks of an actor, has gone through medical school as a married man and a father of three.
"It helps the new, edgy designs, the new chiseled look," he said.
Time has given you a more chiseled, mature look.
The exterior is far rounder than before, having lost the chiseled look.
With his chiseled male-model good looks, he is more than handsome.