As it was, I mean I found another chocolate gateau under those Christmas tree cakes.
"And maybe a slice of chocolate gâteau, if they've got any left."
Choices could include a fine fish soup; classic local cassoulet of white beans with duck; and a divine, feathery chocolate gâteau.
I later saw my off-duty waiter cradling the chocolate gâteau from the dessert cart.
Hawk found chocolate gateau on the menu and got quite excited, but Fisher wouldn't let him order it.
Leave room for the chocolate gateau.
One slice of chocolate gateau is not going to ruin your health - but several slices a day may well do so.
He detested turkey and there was nothing else he fancied apart from the chocolate gâteau.
The coup de grâce was a chocolate gâteau, built next to a pool of melted chocolate and a block of vanilla ice cream.
Substantial slices of rich creamy chocolate gateau, also decorated with glacé cherries.